For the next few weeks of summer my fellow members of Apple of Their Eye are really trying to get this blog thing going and will be posting some tips and hopefully insightful things for you!
Today I am going to share a new tip that I discovered that helped me in making QR codes with stories. Now I may be behind the times here and think that I am sharing something new when really it has been known to many so bare with me!
While I was trying to create QR codes with the Safeshare website which I normally use, I kept getting an error message that it was unable to get the link to use to create the safeshare link. Then determined to find something else that will allow students to scan the codes without the commercials and ads appearing I began to research. I came across a website that discussed using TubeChop. Tubechop although only seems to work with YouTube links did the job! You just simply have to copy the YouTube link and you can even cut the video to how long or short your want it...and voila! You have your video or story being read without commercials or advertisements! I made a screen capture seen below for an example of easy to do instructions. I hope you can find this tip useful and hope I am not a technology dinosaur here!
Everyday Life Tip!
Cass and I (Melissa) happen to be pregnant together so 1/2 of our team will be first time moms soon! We are so excited! Boy has the summer been nice to kind of kick back and catch up on life and take some time to put into TpT . Cass is very into fitness and will be sharing some of her fitness tips throughout her pregnancy and other everyday fitness routines. During this pregnancy for some reason I am soooo over water right now. I can't seem to stomach it. What has really helped is flavoring my water with fruit. Goes down a lot easier.. but another thing is the water has to be FREEZING cold for me to drink it. So I came across this wonderful tip on Pinterest and it has saved me this pregnancy in getting down water! See the recipe here. It is fulfilling my love for cold flavored water all in one shot. It is purely genius! You simply pick the fruit you want and slice it. I usually do lemons and cucumber, but you can seriously do anything! Fill a muffin tin or even mini muffin tin with water and place the fruit desired in each section, freeze, and then you have frozen fruit flavored ice cubes! And did I mention the benefits of fruit infused water? There are a ton! Check them out here! I hope you found this tip useful! You can also click the pictures below to get the link for the recipe. Enjoy!