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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Work it Wednesday

Welcome to Work It Wednesday!!!  Each week I will post a workout that you can do at home, during lunch at work, or in the gym! We are excited to also join fellow blogger, Queen of the First Grade Jungle, for week 4 on this road to a healthy and fit lifestyle!

As a full time School Counselor, and avid fitness enthusiast, balancing working out and the demands of daily life can be a real challenge.  Working out has become something that I have made a priority in my life, and has turned into something I truly loving doing each and every day!  I hope to share my passion and love for fitness through my Work It Wednesday posts. 

All Work It Wednesday posts will include functional movements, meaning real world movements that lead to increased fitness, and less injury in the long run.  My experience with functional fitness began with experimenting with Crossfit workouts at my home gym, and I  then went on to get my Crossfit Level 1 Certification a few  months later.  One of the best things about these workouts is no matter what level of fitness you are, you can do the workouts! 

This weeks workout can be done in the gym with weights, or in the comfort of your home with just body weight- either way, it will definitely get you sweating!  See how many rounds of the three movements you are able to complete in the allotted time!

In the video below, you'll learn about proper squat technique.  Having proper technique really helps to get the most out of the movements.  Practice your squat form before starting the workout!

         AOTE Work It Wednesday Workout:

               AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 15 min:
                                                     10 squats
                                                      8 lunges
                                                    6 push ups

Set a timer for 15 minutes, press start and don't stop moving until time is up!  Keep track of how many rounds you are able to get through of the three movements ( 10 squats, 8 lunges, and 6 pushups = 1 round), and challenge yourself to beat that number of rounds next time you do the workout!!


  1. I LOVE this workout idea! I'm seriously writing it down and trying it out Monday (On Fridays I do Body Pump :) ) I look forward to seeing more of your workouts!!

  2. I loved that you shared a video! I don't think I've been squatting wrong but I don't go up as fast and I don't squeeze my butt when I'm up. I've been wanting to see a bit of a booty and I bet that's why I haven't. Thanks!!

    You Might Be a First Grader….

  3. I LOVE THIS POST! I'm so terrible at giving up during workouts. If it says to do 3 reps of the cycle, after 1 I'm like nahhhhh... Setting a timer would definitely keep me going better!

    Also, I'm super psyched you shared the correct way to do squats. I used to do them wrong and my knees gave me fits all day at school. I couldn't figure out why until I watched a fitness video like the one you posted above. The difference was amazing! After doing squats correctly for a couple days, I didn't feel like an 80 year old woman anymore!

    I look forward to more of your posts!

    Kelsey Buckles
    Simply Magical Learning

    Kelsey Buckles
    Simply Magical Learning

  4. Great workout idea! I'm going to have to give it a try this week. Thanks!!

    The Busy Busy Hive
